A Magazine’s Design And Stock Choice Sets The Scene; It Tells A Story Before It’s Even Opened.
Full-colour magazines and booklets are available in a variety of styles.
We offer a standard saddle stitched, A4 gloss magazine, as well as more specialised options. Separate covers, different stocks, PUR and burst binding – these all give you the flexibility to customise your look for each and every client.

Printing Options

Printing Options
Available sizes:
A3, A4, A5, A6, DL
8 – 200 page format depending on your selected stock weight
Full Colour one or both sides printed
Black and White / Grey Scale
Covers can be Matt or Gloss Celloglazed depending upon stock weight
Celloglazing available on one or both sides of covers only
Optional extras:
Burst Binding and Perfect Binding
Other options are available on request
80gsm through to 200gsm
Gloss and Bond stock
Recycled stock options also available
Not all stock types are available in every gsm
Next Day dispatch available on a wide range of Offset Magazines. Contact us for more details.
Artwork Guidelines
Bleed:5mm for all sides.
Safe zone:5mm for magazines/booklets.
Accepted file types:PDF version 1.4 or higher formats only.
Resolution:300 dpi for all images and artwork at full size; 800 dpi for all text as an image.
Colours:CMYK or grey scale only.
Fonts:All fonts are embedded or converted to curves so they print correctly.